04: Miriam - Rewilding Aphrodite

Season #1

Last year I discovered – like many before me – that the image we’ve inherited of Aphrodite has been defanged beyond recognition. That in Aphrodite’s deepest core, the dark feminine is pulsating, alive, erotic, charged and coiled like a black serpent.

I realised that we mortal women are much like Goddess Aphrodite… we, too, have been taught to subdue and civilise our wild erotic impulses in order to ‘pass’ in a culture where the dark femme is unwelcome, exiled and considered dangerous.

TEMPLE OF APHRODITE was born from this initiation with the Goddess. My new 5-week online container for women was built on three pillars of: Sacred Sexual Embodiment, Goddess Wisdom
and Light + Dark Feminine Erotics.

In this episode of The Oracle Podcast, I take you back to the goddess's dark feminine origins and reveal the ways in which Aphrodite had her wild feminine core removed to be more palatable under patriarchy.

If you feel compelled by this story and would like to join my upcoming course, you can do so with 50% off until May 3rd via my website: www.moon-body.com